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Your local TABC

Public Safety

Public safety is our top priority. Whether its combating human trafficking, enforcing the state’s alcohol laws or educating the public about the dangers of drinking and driving, TABC strives to protect and serve Texans.

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Resources and Information

Enforcement Initiatives

TABC’s agents are responsible for enforcing Texas alcohol laws. Agents investigate human trafficking and serious alcohol-related incidents, combat organized crime, conduct minor sales investigations, educate the public and support communities after natural disasters.

Human Trafficking

TABC is the leading agency investigating human trafficking in Texas. TABC is on the front lines of identifying and eliminating trafficking taking place within Texas bars, clubs, convenience stores and other locations with ties to the alcoholic beverage industry.

Breaches of the Peace

Our Enforcement agents are responsible for investigating the potential role of agency-licensed businesses in breaches of the peace, such as homicide or assault, and assisting local law enforcement with their investigations. TABC license or permit holders are required by law to report these breaches to the agency. 


We are proud to partner with the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Game Warden Service on the TRACE program. TRACE — Target Responsibility for Alcohol-Connected Emergencies — is a 24-hour hotline that allows local law enforcement to quickly and easily contact TABC investigators for assistance during an alcohol-related emergency.

Retailer Resources

TABC-licensed and permitted businesses are the first line of defense in public safety. We work with businesses across the state to protect our communities and ensure compliance with state alcohol laws.

Educational Resources

TABC provides a wide range of materials to assist parents, teachers, retailers and community members seeking to educate their audiences on the dangers of underage drinking, overconsumption and more.

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