General Purchasing Guidelines
We try to use the advantages of a competitive marketplace whenever possible, regardless of a contract’s dollar amount. These are our general guidelines for purchases:
Under $5,000 (Goods and Services)
These are non-competitive and do not require bids. If the purchase is for a computer or telecommunications good or service, the item/service must be purchased from an existing Texas Department of Information Resources competitively bid contract, regardless of dollar limit.
$5,000.01 to $25,000 (Goods and Services)
Require three informal bids: one from a certified minority-owned business and one from a certified woman-owned business.
$25,000 to $100,000 (Goods and Services)
Must be solicited through Comptroller’s Office’s Statewide Procurement Division (SPD) Open Market bidding procedures. Delegation required to exceed $50,000.
Over $100,000 (Goods and Services)
Upon delegation, must be solicited using the SPD’s Open Market bidding procedures.